Monday 23 September 2013

Photojournalism part1

  • Photojournalism - Explain what it is
Henri Cartier Bresson -
  • Why is he famous?
  • Why is his work significant in Photojournalism?
  • Find and upload to your blog some work of theirs
  • What Camera/Technique did he use

Before I begin, to me photojournalism is the act of portraying a message or an event through images or photography but this type of journalism is best portrayed with a piece of writing added to it because an image sends out different messages to different people and if the wrong message is portrayed to the viewers of the image then that would not be the proper use of that form of photography.

Henri Cartier Bresson, who i would like to call a pioneer of photojournalism was born on August 22, 1908 in Chanteloup, France. He is famous for his "deceive moment" photographs that portrayed a lot and how he was able to capture these photographs was by waiting just like a game hunter for his prey as one of the photographers who was reviewing his work said for example in one of his famous photographs of a man jumping over a puddle speaks a lot when basing on the things in the picture for example the man jumping over the puddle shows that Europe( basing on the sign post on the top left corner is going into a time or faze of the unknown( and that also explains why his work is significant in photojournalism.

 In order to take this photos, Henri used a device that was highly developed in that era he was living in. He was using a Leica which was a camera made in Germany in 1925 that allowed people to take photos in a short period of time which as well allowed hm to be able to take the photos that he took and also the view finder of the camera was on the left side which allowed him to see with his right eye therefore able to see what he was about to capture and also plan for it.

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